Classified advertising Extract

Software capable of scanning Italian France Espana Germany Belgium online classifieds sites to extract important information such as mobile numbers, telephone numbers, description of the advertisement, photos present in the advertisement, name of the advertiser and also the email address (if present in clear within the description of the advert itself) etc.
Software Price:
      6 months: 50USD
    12 months: 90USD

Software Screenshots

Product Advantages

Software capable of scanning Italian,France,Espana,Germany,Belgium online classifieds sites to extract important information such as mobile numbers, telephone numbers, description of the advertisement, photos present in the advertisement, name of the advertiser and also the email address (if present in clear within the description of the advert itself) etc…


With this application you can carry out 100% customizable searches to obtain targeted user(both PRIVATE and COMPANIES) to contact by telephone (or via email) or lists of advertisements to be consulted comfortably in off-line mode . Just select the source (ebay, bakeca,,..), then select category and as soon as the page opens with the adverts in that category, click on the “Get date” button and that's it! All results will be extracted and formatted into a list that you can view and save in a CSV, TXT or EXCEL file.

> Supported OS: Windows 11/10/8/7.

> Support free download and trial.

> Support Collecting Advertisers data through description of the advertisement.

> Can collect ad title, description, advertiser, location, type, date, telephone number (mobile), link photo, email address, etc

> One click export of results, supporting multiple export formats such as XLS, TXT, CSV, etc.

> Software Language:English,Chinese,Italian,German,French,Spain.

Supported classified advertising websites

This is the most famous Italian classifieds site with thousands of new advertisements every day. It is possible to find any type of ad on this portal, from real estate ads to antiques, from computer devices to accessories and clothing. With Classified advertising Extract
you can capture valuable information from this site in just a few clicks!
AutoScout24 ( )
This is the most popular site for advertisements relating to engines (cars, motorbikes, campers, etc.) with thousands of advertisements published every day. Also in this case it is possible to view the adverts by type of vehicle, by region, location and also by keyword.
Advertisers are both private individuals and companies.Including Italy, France, Spain, Germany, and Belgium. ( )
Reachable at the url The site is divided by regions and it is possible to do a search starting from the city that interests us most. Obviously the provincial capitals and some of the most important cities in each region are listed. In addition to the subdivision by city, there is a subdivision into different categories: on Bakeca, in fact, it is possible to search for everything from rooms to rent to books, from used cars to a job. ( )
This is another famous Italian classifieds site that contains thousands and thousands of advertisements of every type and category. Also in this case it is possible to view the ads by category, by region, by location and even by keyword.
Advertisers are both private individuals and companies.
Kijij ( )
Represents Ebay's official online classifieds site . It contains thousands of advertisements for job offers, car advertisements, houses and sales in all cities of Italy. It is possible to search by single city or carry out a nationwide search to see all the adverts.
Kijiji is today the most popular and visited Italian classifieds site, also thanks to the advertising that is present on eBay.

Using Tutorials

STEP 1. Download and unzip on your computer. (only supports Windows OS)

This is the program’s main interface:


STEP 2. Select the classifieds site to “scan”

Click on the logo of the advertising site from which you want to "capture" data. For example, clicking on will open this screen:


 STEP 3. Select category and location of ads to “capture”

Choose the type of ads you want to view and capture with the program. For example, select the "job offers" category and click on the " Search " button. Once the page with the search results appears in the program, click on the CAPTURE button and the software will begin to extract all the information from the ads: ad title, description, advertiser, location, type, date, telephone number (mobile), link photo, email address, etc.

Below is the screen you will see when capturing ad data:



STEP 4. Export the data.


Once the data extraction is complete, click on select all and then on export . You can export the data to an excel, csv or txt file (to choose the type of file to export click on the settings menu at the top and then select the output format).

Note 1: Export is active only with the “full” version of the program. In the demo version however, after 35 captured results the following window will appear inviting you to purchase the program license.





From the program settings, in addition to choosing the format of the exported file, it also allows you to select which data to export. For example, if you are interested in exporting only the advertiser's name and his mobile (or landline) number, select the “Name” and “Phone” boxes and click OK to confirm. This way the exported file will contain only these two columns.


By accessing the connection tab instead, you can activate protections for your IP through the use of a VPN connection or proxies.

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